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PMI Global Congress 2015 - EMEA : la risposta a quali bisogni?

in News
Scritto da Alessandro Bacci
Pubblicato il 13 April 2015 alle 09:45
Aggiornato il 26 July 2022 alle 21:07

In un mondo che ha fatto del cambiamento continuo la norma, acquisire e mantenere un portafoglio di competenze ed abilità adeguate alle necessità delle organizzazioni (tecniche, di leadership e di business e strategic management), è la chiave per avere successo.
Alcuni dei numeri che potete trovare sulla pagina del Programma


66% of organisations say that technical project skills are the most difficult to find. However 96% indicate that these are the most teachable[1].

When organisations align their talent to organisational strategy, it produces a higher average project success rate — 72% for those with good alignment, compared to 58% for those without it.

75% of organisations rank leadership skills as the most important for successful navigation of complexity in projects. Additionally, 71% of organisations rank leadership skills as the most important for long-term success of project managers[2].

[1] The Competitive Advantage of Eu001fective Talent Management, 2013, PMI
[2] Pulse of the Profession In-Depth Report: Navigating Complexity, 2013, PMI

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